Help us to conserve and promote the benefits of a healthy natural environment in Berkshire. There are many things each of us can do to look after our environment, read on for a few ideas or see our pages on recording wildlife, volunteering, businesses, schools, land owners and local authorities for tailored advice.
West Berkshire Event by Rob Appleby
There are many ways to get involved in helping to conserve biodiversity in Berkshire, from small changes to your daily routine to volunteering on practical work parties. Some ideas are listed below.
Support your local conservation organisations: Get involved with your local community wildlife projects as a volunteer or instigate your own project. Become a member of your local wildlife organisations.
Reduce, re-use, recycle: Recycle waste such as paper, glass, plastic milk bottles and cans to reduce the amount that goes to landfill. Fruit and vegetable matter can be made into compost.
Green Exercise: Green Exercise is any informal physical activity that takes place outdoors. Natural England's Walking For Health project has lots of information about keeping fit and healthy.
Wildlife gardening: Simple ways to improve your garden for wildlife include.
planting native trees and scrubs
dig a wildlife pond
leave an area unmown and obtain some local provenance wildflower seeds to make a mini-meadow
put up bat and bird boxes
create a log-pile
Buy local and recycled produce: This can help reduce your carbon footprint. The North Wessex Downs AONB website contains information on local producers, ranging from honey to wine.
Travel: Try and travel in the most sustainable way. If the only option is to drive, could you car share?
Save energy: Turn the thermostat down one degree and switch supplier to one that supports renewable energy programmes.